I was playing with our dog, Flash, today and notice she is starting to get a bit more white in her face. It's hard for me to believe that she will be 9 years old in January! She is my first dog. I never really had a pet growing up. I had 2 parakeets but it's just not the same! Since we do not have children yet, she is my 'daughter'....lol.
Christmas of 1999, hubby's gift to me was a dog bowl and I thought he was nuts. We decided to really do research and find the right breed of dog for us. We looked at the Portuguese Water Dog but they need to be near the water a lot. Since we are both fans of the show "Dukes of Hazzard", we decided to find our "Flash". We initially liked basset hounds but worried about their future health problems. We then looked towards the Beagle. I have always been a fan of Snoopy so I fell in love when we got her. We found our Flash and I cannot even imagine our lives without her!
Flash - Spring 2000
(Don't mess with her porkchop!)
Flash 2006
The 2nd photo was taken by hubby at a local dog park. We have a large print (I think it's 16"x20") of this framed and hanging in our hallway.
She is now napping on the couch in the family room. Hubby is cooking something and that nose of hers is keeping her near the kitchen!
Side Note:
Tonight was the first SF Giants game after the All Star Break. Even though #33 had a homerun (a BIG woohoo!), my G-Men lost. ARGH..... Pitchers and catchers reunion tomorrow at the ball park - and it's a radio only game.....of course! :(